by davidkingsbury | May 17, 2016 | Goal Setting, Goals, Online Personal Training, Training Tips, Weight Training
Summer Beach Body Workout The number one mistake people make when starting a plan to get ‘beach ready’ is not starting soon enough. Don’t let that be you, put down your phone / mouse now and go and start training. Actually, scratch...
by davidkingsbury | May 16, 2016 | Training Tips, Weight Training
10 Things Slowing Down Your Fitness Progress The road to fitness can be a long and arduous one. It’s rarely without pitfalls, problems and self-doubt, even for the most focussed mind. With any training regime that can soon become all encompassing, there are...
by davidkingsbury | Apr 6, 2016 | Progressive Overload, Training Tips, Weight Training
Big Back Session at Pinewood Studios I am getting back into weight training in a major way. It’s been a while! Chris and I hit up a big back session today at Pinewood. I have known Chris since I was about 4 years old I think. We went to primary school and...
by davidkingsbury | Mar 31, 2016 | Progressive Overload, Training Tips, Weight Training
You might have heard that strictly confining your rep and set ranges within a certain range will fast-track your training goals. You heard wrong. Why? Sets and reps don’t matter as much as you think. In fact, kick-starting your muscle-building based on numbers...
by davidkingsbury | Mar 16, 2016 | Training Tips, Weight Training
Build boulder shoulders One day I was flying around in the sky minding my business when I heard a scream from a building below. Using my telescopic vision I spotted someone hanging from the window of a building. 20 stories high and in danger it was time to do my...
by davidkingsbury | Mar 4, 2016 | A List, Building Muscle, Celebrity, Film Fitness, Online Personal Training, Progressive Overload, Training Tips, Weight Training
Evolve your bicep and tricep growth with David Kingsbury – the man who turned Hugh Jackman into the t-shirt tearing Wolverine Most men want bigger arms. But few understand the most effective formula when it comes to eliciting serious growth in the quickest time...